Wednesday, June 19, 2013

So it turns out blogging is harder than it looks

Apparently, remember and finding the time to write a blog entry every night is going to be significantly harder than I initially thought. It's not that I don't know what to write- just the contrary in fact. As I go through my day, I think out the narration I will later post on the blog. I try to work through the best ways to phrase something, come up with the best punch line for the jokes, and overall make sure the blog is well written and witty (as I consider myself). Then I post literally nothing.

Now that I am past the shock of never posting, I've hardened my resolve to post more frequently about what I do. I have also told numerous family members about the blog, so now I need to have something to show them.

I don't want to play catchup with what I haven't written about, so instead I will start fresh from today. I woke up in Boston this morning, since I had gone in to visit Ryan last night (see, I opened the sentence with where I woke up tonight, thereby proving my prior sentence correct, even though I ended up with the previous night. What did I just write.) Anyway, I woke up SIGNIFICANTLY earlier than my regular time, because Ryan has to be at work by 9. Never fear, I went back to sleep pretty much as soon as he left. I woke up for real around 10:30, and laid in bed for 15 minutes. I find the transition from awake to sleep, and sleep to awake, to be difficult so I like to give myself a nice buffer.

At around 10:45, I got in to the shower. However, the drain is broken so in order for any of the water to go down, you have to hold the drain lever down. I don't know the last time you looked at the drain lever, considering when my shower is fully functioning I never look at it, but in this shower it is just the perfect height to be inconvenient to reach by either hand or foot. After ignoring the situation for as long as possible, when the water got too high I finally turned the shower head off mid shower, and stood in the tub with my foot on the lever waiting for the shower to drain. Repeat three times, and I was done with my shower.

I got dressed, made the bed, and then enjoyed the luxury of watching TV, which is impossible at my apartment. Rather than waste any of my precious time with good programming (although there was a good episode of Bones on), I watched the top 10 most shocking reveals from this year's Maury show. What can I say, it's a guilty pleasure. I watched for about an hour while I did pretty much nothing online, and then Ryan came home for lunch, and we walked over to Sal's pizza. Ryan won (what a shock) a free slice a day for a year, which comes in the form of a $20 gift card each month. Anyway, we had a nice lunch and then walked back to his apartment. I packed up, and left.

After an uneventful ride back, I decided I wanted starbucks and made a point of going to the one that was a little far out of the way but was right next to a CVS, which I needed to go to anyway. All about the loop you know (being most efficient with your driving). I went to the CVS, got everything I needed, and then drove next door to the starbucks...which was closed. But then I drove all the way across town to the OTHER starbucks, because why not.

Returned home and unpacked, and now that I have written this blog post I will make my bed (astute readers will note I already discussed making a bed this morning, but that was Ryan's bed and now I am referring to my own) and reward myself with reading a chapter out of "The Journals of Eleanor Druse." I actually only took this book out because it is listed in the library as a Stephen King book. It is not, however, written by Stephen King. Who do you suppose I should tell at the library, and can you even imagine how that conversation would go? "Yes hello, you have this book listed incorrectly? Here you can see the complete works list I printed out from Wikipedia for Stephen King, where this book is not listed, and the complete works list of Richard Dooling, where this book is prominently displayed." I guess I will just leave it, although it irks me.

Anyway, I actually am enjoying the book much more than anticipated. I didn't really know what to expect when I realized it wasn't actually written by SK, but I went ahead and started it. I think the main difference, for me, is that this book actually scares me. While Stephen King is considered a horror writer, I have never really found myself scared of his books (I've skipped "IT" on purpose). The Shining, Carrie, Pet Sematary...I love them all, but I can in fact, read them late at night, in the dark, and go right to sleep. He's such an excellent writer, and makes you care about each and ever character, which is why I enjoy the novels. They're also written which such unbelievable detail it seems impossible the worlds aren't real.

This book scares the bejeezus out of me. I think the main reason this one scares me instead of any of the others is the subject matter. In this novel (NO SPOILERS), a perfectly sane character is declared "insane," and everything snowballs from there. Even though SHE knows she is sane, everything she does is considered a count against her sanity. This of course is terrifying to me because it rings so true. Can you imagine being the only sane one in a mental hospital? (Which leads to the question, how do we know if anyone in the mental hospital really is insane. As a psych major I've heard countless studies about this concept, but if you really just want a good read on the subject, I'd suggest "The Devil In Silver," by Victor LaValle).

The point remains, the book scares me. And if that wasn't enough THE TITLE OF THE BOOK GLOWS IN THE DARK. Can you even IMAGINE how terrifying it is to discover there? There I was, alone in my bed reading by my lamp, when I decide I've been scared enough, put the book down, roll over and turn off my light. After a couple of minutes I roll over again, trying to get comfortable...AND THE TITLE OF THE BOOK IS LIT UP. I AM IN THE PITCH BLACK DARKNESS AND I CAN READ THE TITLE OF THIS BOOK.

Once I got past my minor heart attack, I laughed at the brilliance.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

"Oh, so you only take classes at night? What do you do all day?" If I had a nickle for everytime someone asked me that, I could probably pay my rent for the rest of the year. And have enough left over for cable. (I currently can only afford one of those things...)

But! Despite the fact that I do only have classes from 6-9:30 every weekday except Friday, I find my days going by fairly quickly and with a good deal of activity. Instead of trying to individually answer every single person who asks me that fated question, I will instead direct them to this blog, where I will journal about my experiences for the day.

It is also probably true I am using this blog to go over every single second of my day, which is something I'm wont to do. In fact, when I was younger, my mother used to say that if I left the house for three hours, it took me three hours to tell her how it was. So rest assured, you will be getting a full report of my day.