Tuesday, June 11, 2013

"Oh, so you only take classes at night? What do you do all day?" If I had a nickle for everytime someone asked me that, I could probably pay my rent for the rest of the year. And have enough left over for cable. (I currently can only afford one of those things...)

But! Despite the fact that I do only have classes from 6-9:30 every weekday except Friday, I find my days going by fairly quickly and with a good deal of activity. Instead of trying to individually answer every single person who asks me that fated question, I will instead direct them to this blog, where I will journal about my experiences for the day.

It is also probably true I am using this blog to go over every single second of my day, which is something I'm wont to do. In fact, when I was younger, my mother used to say that if I left the house for three hours, it took me three hours to tell her how it was. So rest assured, you will be getting a full report of my day. 

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